Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Well this semester I am taking English 955. It is a fun class, and I like my teacher. She does a good job from what I can tell, so far. Tomorrow I have a Argumentative paper due. I decided to do it on kids getting lazy! Once I have finished my paper I will post it here.

Here is something way cool that I got from an email:
Click here
It is interesting to see how much someone can conseal and take to school. I only show this as an example and a warning to us and our kids, neices, nephews, etc.

Monday, September 11, 2006

More stuff

Well we finally got the inspection report back and now are just waiting on the appraisal. The only things that were wrong were very minor. Such as attaching the drain spout to the house, attach a drain that is being held up by a string. And the only thing that could turn into a major thing is that all the outlets do not have a ground. So I will address this later.

Our weekend was busy as usually. Saturday consisted of working at Lagoon-A-Beach from 8am to 10pm. Sunday was my day to rest, I know that I should of and could of gone over to my parents house for dinner. They invited me since I was home alone and Holly was working all day. But I just did not feel good. I think that my candles that have been burning at both ends is finally catching up to me. Holly is doing good. We have been getting to bed earlier so that has been helping me though. It just seems like no matter how much you sleep you never feel rested. You know? Well it is another day and all you can do is just keep plugging away.

Well today is the 5th anniversary of September 11th. Let us all remember this day! It is a day to reflect and honor those individuals that have lost their lives in it. Not only the victims but the family's and police officers, firefighters, emt's, hospitals that all made miracles that day! Let us honor them today.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What's next?

Well just to let you all know that our house inspection is on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 2 pm. After that we need the appraisal done and then we sign the papers and move in:)

On a different note I just would like to say how proud I am of my cousin Rebecca, many of you know what she has been going through, many of you dont. To read the blog about her struggle go here. She has been an inspiration to MANY people here. Many miracles have happened due to friends and family and their faith in our Savior. She is struggling with cancer. Right now she is going through the chemo therapy. May the Lord continue to bless and protect her! Rebecca we love you!