Monday, February 27, 2006

Something I learned today (I know surprising isn't it)

A word from a not so wise person to the wiser person. Ya know one of the big things for many many people is their credit. As in their credit report rating. People everywhere dont want their credit pulled. Oh it will hurt my credit rating. No, I have worked hard at that and I dont want to hurt it, etc, etc... They are right and wrong all at the same time. If you pull it more than 4 times a year it will drop your credit rating. Well, that is just what I have heard. So here is what I learned from a real experience. When you get old and are more financially stable and only use cash. It is a good idea to have some type of credit card open. Here is the reason why: I guess after 10 years of something being on your credit it goes away from your report. So with that being said, If you are 60 years old and have paid everything off and have been using cash for... 15 years and you decide to buy a car. You will need a co-signer due to lack of credit history. Crazy huh! So always try and keep something open so you dont have to worry about you credit rating going going gone...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Me and holly

Hi everyone,
I thought that I would post a pictures of me and holly. So here it is.
School has been pretty crazy for me. Staying up late and then getting up early is kicking my trash. Plus for school I park near by campus and then I ride my bike to class and then back to my truck. It is fun going down to my class because it is all down hill. It is very tuff going back to my truck though. By the time I get back to my truck my legs and butt are on fire! It is helping me get in shape though. :) Holly is starting another job tomorrow. She is helping out with a scrap book expo/really big sale. It will be held up at the Weber county fair grounds. She did it last year. It was very fun for her as well as very long. She will be doing the cash register and will be stocking the tables with all the products. She will start tomorrow, like I said, and will work until Saturday. She does it with her sister. Well that is it for now.