Monday, May 25, 2009

Hey guys!!!

Still plan on posting more from the trip, just been a little busy. School started the week I got home so I've been trying to focuse on that. We are redoing the backyard, and that seems to be taking up most of Micah's time, since he can only work on it, when he's not at work.
Can I just say, I have the best husband in the world... universe... He's the Best!! He works so hard, 2 jobs, the house, he's a great dad. Man you name it he's the best! Always thinking of others, and how to help out. I love you Micah!!!

Happy birthday Brenda!

Let's see what's new... Landon is walking non stop, so cute. I've been accepted into paramedic school, I start in August. Scary! I'm really nervous but way excited too!

Talk to ya soon. Love ya!!


Lisa said...

Oh, Holly, your comments about sweet Micah are very tender and so very true. He is an exceptional person. You have to believe that he found his match in you! You are also equally as special. You two seem to be made for each other. Good luck in school and remember I'm always here to tend LanMan!
Love to you all,
Mom (Grammy) xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Busy busy! Micah is great... and you're the best.

B.J.and Alison said...

Hey so if you send me your email ill give you the details and if micah is working monday ill drop it off at the bank. my email is

luv alison