Friday, January 06, 2006


Hey guys,
I am new here to blogging. We'll see how it goes. Just a few things about me and my wife. We live in Hooper, UT. The way you pronounce Hooper is you say Hooker and now replace the k with a p and so you say Hooper. I hope that makes sense. We'll my wife and I are both going to college. Currently saving up for a house/getting out of debt. I work in a bank (I am a loan officer) and seeing how much debt people have is insane. I guess that Utah's average credit card debt is 35k-40k!!! That is crazy. So after seeing many credit reports and WAY to much garbage my wife and I now have a great disliking of debt. Ok enough of my ranting. We have no children. We live with the inlaws. It's ok. Their cool people. It is helping us out and them too. Well I have to go so I will post some more later.


Lala's world said...

welcome to the world of blogging!
I am relatively new too, so I wanted to welcome you and give you a comment, cuz it feels good to get one!!
also here here on the debt war!! we lived with my parents when we were first married, but we were not so smart on saving and well, 10 years later and we still struggle with debt. We are now wanting to downsize our mortgage and debt and get a house with a suite. Sometimes it gets overwhelming then I realize for us to be just in our 30's and home owners then we aren't doing so bad!!
good luck to you guys!

ralleyclimber said...

Hey thanks. And good luck to you too.

BHodges said...

Debt is fun for the kids! Everyone likes debt! It's like having free money that you can't spend!